Installation instructions ------------------------- The `QPtomographer` package uses the standard `setuptools` Python infrastructure, providing a `` script like most other Python packages. It may also be installed, as most other Python packages, using `pip`. There are some little things to set up first however. Prerequisite: Install BLAS/Lapack ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You need a working installation of BLAS/Lapack. This is provided by default on `Mac OS X`, in which case you don't have to do anything. On Ubuntu, run the command:: sudo apt-get install liblapack-dev Prerequisite: Compile SCS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You need to compile `SCS ≥ 2.0 `_. We make use of this great library to calculate the diamond norm distance between two channels. (Unfortunately, it is not enough to install the `scs` Python package, because we need SCS's C interface.) Make sure you have downloaded SCS version 2.0.0 or later. Download and unpack `SCS `_, say in ``$HOME/Downloads/``, and compile it with specific options set. This can be done as follows. First, download `the latest version of SCS `_ into your `Downloads` directory, unpack that archive, and enter that directory. (You may work in a different directory; the following instructions assume you unpacked SCS in the `Downloads` directory.) .. code-block:: bash > cd Downloads > tar xvfz scs-2.0.2.tar.gz > cd scs-2.0.2 If you are on *Mac OS X*, compile SCS with the following command:: > make CTRLC=0 USE_OPENMP=0 USE_LAPACK=1 BLASLDFLAGS="-framework Accelerate" Otherwise (e.g. on *Linux*), compile SCS with the following command:: > make CTRLC=0 USE_OPENMP=0 USE_LAPACK=1 *Notes:* - ``CTRLC=0`` is needed because we will catch *Ctrl+C* keystrokes ourselves, and we don't want SCS to interfere with this. - We neeed ``USE_OPENMP=0`` because our invokation of *SCS* is already within parallel tasks, so we want to avoid double-parallelism which won't speed up anything. - Lapack is needed for solving SDPs, so it must be enabled with ``USE_LAPACK=1``. You might have to adjust or specify the necessary flags for linking to `BLAS/LAPACK` (the variable ``BLASLDFLAGS=...``). On *Mac OS X*, use ``"-framework Accelerate"``; on Ubuntu, install for example `openblas` and use ``"-llapack -lblas"``. The defaults might be satisfactory. Try and see what works. Prerequisite: Install `tomographer` and other Python packages ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Make sure you have already installed the `tomographer` package (version ≥ 5.4) along with its prerequisites, `as described here `_. Basically, you should run the following commands depending on whether you are using *anaconda* or *pip*:: # If you are using *pip* (or if you're not sure): pip install numpy scipy pybind11 pip install tomographer # If you are using *conda*: conda install numpy scipy gcc libgcc conda install -c conda-forge pybind11 pip install tomographer All ``pip install`` commands (e.g. ``pip install SOMEPACKAGE``) might have to be prefixed by ``sudo -H`` (e.g. ``sudo -H pip install SOMEPACKAGE``) if you need administrator priviledges, or you can use the option ``--user`` to install into a user directory (e.g. ``pip install SOMEPACKAGE --user``). The `QPtomographer` package also requires `qutip`. Install it before proceeding:: # if you are using *pip* (or if you're not sure) pip install qutip # if you are using *conda* conda install -c conda-forge qutip Download and install `QPtomographer` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Simplest solution using pip:** The simplest solution to install `QPtomographer` is using `pip`. However, you need to set the environment variable ``SCS_ROOT`` to the root directory where you downloaded and compiled `SCS`:: # Works with both *conda* and *pip* users: SCS_ROOT=$HOME/Downloads/scs-2.0.2 pip install QPtomographer **Alternative: Building and installing QPtomographer manually:** You can also install `QPtomographer` from source. First, obtain the most recent version of `QPtomographer` from the `releases page `_. Then, after unpacking the archive, run the python setup script:: > SCS_ROOT=$HOME/Downloads/scs-2.0.2 python install specifying the path where you compiled SCS using the environment variable ``SCS_ROOT``. Or, to install as administrator:: > sudo -H SCS_ROOT=$HOME/Downloads/scs-2.0.2 python install .. important:: You should use the same compiler as the one you used to compile the `tomographer` package. If you leave the default this shouldn't be a problem.