Bipartite sampling method: QPtomographer.bistates

This module implements the bipartite state sampling method for the reliable diamond norm estimation.

The main execution routine for the bipartite state sampling method. This function behaves analogously to tomographer.tomorun.tomorun(), but in the setting described in arXiv:1808.00358 and calculating the diamond norm to a reference channel as figure of merit.

As described in the paper, the log-likelihood function is calculated from the matrices Emn as follows:

\[\ln\mathcal{L}(\rho_{AB}\mid E) = \sum_k \texttt{Nm[k]} \cdot \ln \mbox{tr}\bigl(\rho_{AB}\, \texttt{Emn[k]}\bigr)\ ,\]

Hence, Emn[k] must be the POVM effect which was observed on the joint \(A\otimes B\) systems (see paper, and see the function argument Emn= below).

All arguments should be specified as keyword arguments. Accepted arguments are:

  • dimX: dimension of input system (required)

  • dimY: dimension of output system (required)

  • Emn: a list of POVM effects on \(X\otimes Y\). Should be a python list where each item is a matrix provided as a complex \(d_X d_Y\times d_X d_Y\) NumPy array.

  • Nm: the corresponding list of frequency counts. This is a list of integers, of the same length as Emn, where Nm[k] is the number of times the outcome described by the POVM effect Emn[k] was observed.

  • fig_of_merit: which figure of merit to use. May be one of ‘diamond-distance’ (the default), ‘entanglement-fidelity’, ‘worst-entanglement-fidelity’, or a custom callable Python object. Refer to section Figures of Merit for Channels.

    The callable will be invoked with as argument a square complex matrix \(T\) of shape (d_X*dY, d_X*d_Y) given as a NumPy array, and where the process matrix, a normalized bipartite state, can be simply computed as \(T T^\dagger\). If you conjugate by the inverse square root of the reduced state on the first system, you get the Choi matrix of the process. The following code computes this:

    def custfigofmerit(T):
        # compute average entanglement fidelity manually with custom
        # callable, assuming a qubit->qubit quantum channel
        # T is a numpy object of size (dX*dY, dX*dY) representing a
        # square root of a bipartite state (the current point of the
        # random walk).
        # To compute the Choi matrix of the process encoded in T:
        # Compute the bipartite state (Choi matrix weighted by input state)
        rho_RB =, T.conj().T)
        rho_q_RB = qutip.Qobj(rho_RB, dims=[[2,2],[2,2]])
        # conjugate by inverse square root of input state to get Choi matrix
        invsqrtmrho_R = qutip.tensor(invsqrtm(rho_q_RB.ptrace([0])), qutip.qeye(2))
        E_RB = invsqrtmrho_R * rho_q_RB * invsqrtmrho_R
        assert npl.norm( E_RB.ptrace([0]).data.toarray() - np.eye(2), 'nuc' ) <= 1e-6
        # Maximally entangled ket between R and A:  Phi_RA = (\sum_k |k>_R |k>_A)
        Phi_RA = qutip.Qobj(np.eye(2).reshape([4,1]), dims=[[2,2],[1]])
        # <\Phi|_RA E_RB |\Phi>_RA / (2*2) :  divide by (2*2) because \Phi is not normalized
        val = qutip.expect(E_RB, Phi_RA) / (2*2)
        return val
    # helper function: compute matrix inverse square root of a Hermitian `qutip.Qobj` matrix
    def invsqrtm(Aq):
        d, V = npl.eigh(
        return qutip.Qobj(, np.diag(np.reciprocal(np.sqrt(d)))), V.conj().T),
  • ref_channel_XY: the reference channel to which to calculate the diamond norm distance to. This argument is not used if fig_of_merit is not ‘diamond-distance’. Specify the channel by its Choi matrix on \(X\otimes Y\), as a \(d_X d_Y \times d_X d_Y\) NumPy array. The normalization should be such that the reduced state on \(X\) is the identity operator, ie., the trace of the full matrix should be equal to \(d_X\).

    If dimX==dimY, you may set ref_channel_XY=None, in which case the identity process (with respect to the canonical basis) is used as reference channel.

  • hist_params: the parameters of the histogram to collect, i.e., range and number of bins. Must be a tomographer.HistogramParams object.

  • mhrw_params: the parameters of the random walk, i.e., the step size, the sweep size, number of thermalization sweeps and number of live run sweeps. Specify as a tomographer.MHRWParams object.

  • jumps_method: one of "full" or "light", depending on the requested method of random walk step. This argument has the same effect as the jumps_method= argument of tomographer.tomorun.tomorun().

  • dnorm_epsilon: the precision at which to calculate the diamond norm (which is calculated by numerically solving the corresponding semidefinite program using SCS). The default is 1e-3.

  • num_repeats: the total number of random walks to run. By default, this is set to the number of available cores.

  • binning_num_levels: number of levels in the binning analysis. By default, or if the value -1 is specified, an appropriate number of levels is determined automatically.

  • progress_fn, progress_interval_ms, ctrl_step_size_params, ctrl_converged_params: these parameters are treated the same as for tomographer.tomorun.tomorun().

exception QPtomographer.bistates.DNormBiStatesInvalidInputError

Exception is thrown whenever invalid input to the run() function is encountered.